Monday, April 19, 2010

Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes. ~Henry David Thoreau

A weekend surprise!
Almost 2 years ago, one of my best friends, Livi, moved to Virginia. Me, Sylvia, and Kelly, best friends since college, threw her a very bittersweet goodbye party full of laughter, tears, chips, cookies, and penis shaped balloons. It was a good time, if a bit sad.
This last Saturday morning it was time for MY goodbye party with my besties. Kelly and Sylvia came over early and the plan was to go to breakfast and hang out for the day, then they'd come to my show that night. Well, I thought that was the plan anyway. Just after Kelly and Sylvia had arrived, who should calmly and casually stroll into my room but LIVI! She said "Hi!" and I promptly burst into tears. These are the kind of amazing friends I have, and I couldn't be more grateful for them!

The day was a blur of good friends, good food (organic even, right Livi? ;) ), animals (we went to the zoo...because I am perpetually 7 years old), music (can we get some Gaga?), and memories!

Every time I see my friends, I am in more awe and disbelief of their kindness and love. They tell me how happy they are for me, how proud they are of me, and how much they wish for my happiness even as their eyes tear and they hug me close. I've said if before and I'll say it a million times: I am a lucky, lucky girl to have these friends in my life. And I promise them that I will never for a single second forget that, or take them for granted. As brave of a face as I put on in front of them, I know that I will miss them desperately and beg them to visit me every day. :)

Sylvia, brave and wonderful girl that she is, has volunteered to make the 2 day drive out there with me, my dad, and my uncle. She'll stay with me for a few days after they leave to help me get set up and settled in. As much as I'm looking forward to having her as my first guest in my new place, I am already dreading dropping her off at Denver airport, and making the drive back to my apartment...back home...alone for the first time in a new place, a new city, a new state.

...I hope my neighbors don't mind loud singing. :)
9 days!

My last Chicago show! (for at least a year)

The HUGE pile of gift cards from my friends. You guys really shouldn't have...I can't wait to use them! :) :) :)

Colorado, you have some serious competition...

...because I'm pretty sure these girls have hearts bigger than your mountains.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The mountains are calling, and I must go.

That's written on a clock I bought for my mom and dad (hi mom and dad!) as a gift. Hardly stands up to what they've done for me...but it's cute, so it's a start. But more than the call of the mountains, I felt it was appropriate because it's also time.

While moving to Colorado seems a thing full adventure and exploration, to me it means something even more: freedom and possibility. Possibilities lead to adventures and adventures lead to discoveries about places and about yourself. To have an opportunity to go somewhere full of possibility in a place that is mine is very exciting. To live on my own while making my own way in life and in my future is really all I want at this stage of my life. Sure I love the added backdrop of beauty and adventure that the mountains offer, and I think the new landscapes and hobbies I'll pick up because of that environment will only add more dimension to the next part of my life.

I hesitate to call this a 'new start'. In order to have a new start, I feel that something old needs to end, and I don't want the things that I've had in my life up to now to end. I love my family, I love my friends, and I have no regrets about anything I've done while getting to this stage in my life. I love all the memories and experiences I've collected and will guard them jealously. It's not even that I feel I have no opportunities left for me in Chicago. There are millions of opportunities for me in Chicago! I also believe they will still be there when and if I decide to come back. There are opportunities for me everywhere if I make them, and I plan on making some in Colorado for the next 12 months.

I will be working for Starbucks there, a shift supervisor at the store on 31st and Colorado ave. I expect to have tons of adventures in that store with my new coworkers and fellow partners (they have no idea what's coming. :) ) and plenty of adventures outside of any walls too. I'll put the more interesting ones down here, and you can read about them if you like. I'm so excited to start this next phase in my life!

To my family, my friends, and the great city of Chicago: I will miss you.

To future family, future friends, and the city of Colorado Springs: Ya'll ready for this?

Phase 1 of adventure: Packing.