Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ute Fall, Horsethief Falls, and near falls of my own.

So it's 97 degrees in the shade in a desert climate and you're about to leave work and the only air conditioned environment you have (besides your car): What do you do?

Hike a trail of course!

No, I'm not crazy, I'm a Colorado resident, and that's what we do...apparently. When the going gets tough, the tough climb a mountain!...and realize whatever they were doing before wasn't tough AT ALL.

Luckily, this trail promised to end in a waterfall, so if we all ended up over heated, there was always the option of jumping in some freezing mountain stream. Bonus.

The trail we (me, Sarafia, Megan, and Megan's dog!) picked is called Horsethief Trail, and the falls appropriately matched as Horsethief Falls. The trailhead was up in the mountains, about a 40 minute drive away. By the time we got there, it had dropped at least 20 degrees, making it perfect hiking weather. Hooray for altitude!

We parked and got out in front of this huge tunnel. What a cool trailhead!! ...But it wasn't the trailhead. Aw.
THIS is the trailhead. Looks much more like...well...like a trailhead. Dirt, gravel, and uphill. In fact, the first half of this trail was mostly uphill. Boo for altitude. :)
I liked Megan's dog. She's an Australian Sheppard, full of energy and goes directly to water wherever she finds it. We got along great. :)

After hiking through the rain, the sun, thunder, trees, hills, campsites, an college survival classes (no joke), we found the falls at last. One part looked like a giant water slide...I was tempted, but the rocks at the bottom didn't look like they'd be much fun to land on. :) But if you know anything about me, you'll know that when I meet a waterfall, I will try my best to climb and conquer it.

Horsethief Falls was no exception. :)

As we left the trail the rain that had followed us began to move off into the distance. The clouds cleared, and we saw the beautiful silhouette of the Rocky Mountains to the northwest.

On the way back, Sarafia took us through a tiny old town called Cripple Creek. It once was a booming mining town, and now is full of Casinos and free range donkeys. Not even kidding, the donkeys walk freely around the town, so watch where you step. ;)
We ended our evening at an Italian restaurant by Megan's house in Manitou Springs, then retired back to her place to have some of Megan's fiance's homemade beer and some laughs. All in all, not a bad way to beat the heat!

I had to include this picture because it was so flipping cute. One of my fellow Shift Supervisor's at Starbucks is quite handy at making little pictures in the foam made when we steam the milk for drinks. I asked for a hot chocolate to take on my break with me, and he handed me back this lovely piece of art-in-a-mug.

And look at it's staying power! The heart was still there even after I drank all the hot chocolate!

The title of this blog promised more than one Falls, and I shall deliver! After hearing about the adventure Abby and I went on behind Ute Falls, Sarafia wanted to see it for herself, so I went back with her one day before work. We walked the trail all along the creek up to the Falls, and did our best to stay dry. Here's one of my death defying jumps along the way. :)
And once we made it to the Falls in one piece, I decided the pictures behind the falls didn't do it justice, so I took a video of the journey behind Ute Falls. Enjoy!
There is also a video of the journey up to Horsethief Falls.

And here's Horsethief Falls!

And as a preview of what I'm sure will be many blogs to come about my adventures in Boulder for the show I'm in called Colorado Children with Imagination Makers Theatre Company, here is a video I took so I'd know what kind of shoes to look for to complete my costume. Of course they do provide the costumes, but of course it is very challenging to provide footwear for a 6'3 female with size 12 feet...to say the least, so they've asked me to search the resale shops for something suitable. In order to best match the styles the other actors will be wearing, I took a video of the pile of shoes to remember what they looked like. One of my fellow actors was kind enough to narrate it with me. :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Red White and Married

Over the 4th of July weekend my sister Katie married Rob Sowder effectively leaving me the last remaining Battern daughter. While I am completely aware of the enormous responsibility of that fact, I have to admit, they know how to throw a good party. And that leads me to my next staggering duty: finding a way to somehow throw a better one. Let me show you what I'm up against:

The groom and his groomsmen waiting at the alter for the show to begin.
First up: me. Katie had 2 bridesmaids: My sister Jane and I. I was the maid of honor, and because Jane is married, she was the matron of honor. See what she did there? Clever girl, that Katie.

Jane Janicki, the matron of honor.

Here comes the bride: Dad walks Katie down the aisle.

Katie and Rob saying the vows they each wrote for one another.

Since the ceremony was outside, Katie and Rob poured two vials of sand together to create one large vase of sand in lieu of lighting a Unity candle, since the breeze would most likely have just blown the flames out. I sang twice in the ceremony, and during the sand-pouring I sang "When You Say Nothing At All".

After being pronounced man and wife, Katie and Rob began their processional down the aisle as Mr. and Mrs. Sowder, and I sang "At Last".

The ceremony itself was lovely, of course. The weather was perfect, the pavilion was charming, all in all a successful wedding. The real problem here, people, is the reception. Held at Arlington Racetrack, the dinner and dancing was to be held in the Governor's Room which is a beautiful room with a wall of windows that face and overlook the entire racetrack and the beautiful lake and landscape in the center of the track. It also comes complete with a wrap around balcony that boasted chairs, tables, and the best view in the park. To make matters worse the food was delicious and the drinks were free. Now you can begin to see what I'm up against, can't you?
After dinner and desert had been cleared away and the speeches delivered, the dancing began.

This of course is the obligatory 'first dance' for Katie and Rob, set to "Smile" by Uncle Kracker.

Then the Father-Daughter dance in which Katie cleverly started playing a sappy cliched song, but then the DJ mixed into one of Dad's favorite: "Walk of Life"

Then, the coup de gras. Being that she was married on July 3rd, the park had scheduled a firework display that evening once all the racing had finished and the sun had set. After dancing and talking with family and friends for a few hours, we all made our way outside to get a good spot to view the show. We all look around and begin to notice a couple of important people have vanished. Katie and Rob are no where to be found. Suddenly, the huge three story jumbo-tron screen down on the racetrack flickers on, and who should be on it but Katie and Rob, smiling up at us. And if that wasn't enough, Katie has changed into a different gown. She is now sporting a sequined version of the American flag, and Rob's tie is decidedly more patriotic than the ivory one he'd worn to the wedding.

They are introduced to the thousands who are in attendance at the park that day, and invited to start the fireworks show by pushing down on a giant lever. The crowd erupted into cheers and the sky erupted into colors.

So, to sum up, a wedding on a lovely day, at an amazing horse race park where guests were invited (encouraged!) to bet on the races, giving everyone the chance to yell at the horses and increase their fun-having quota exponentially, great food, free drinks, two dresses, an appearance on a JUMBO-TRON, fireworks, dancing, and great music. Not gonna be easy to top.
I have to call Siegfried and Roy.
All jokes aside, it was an amazing day full of so much fun and great times with friends and family. Thank you to Katie and Rob for showing us all the time of our lives, and congratulations! Have a great time in Ireland!

Father Daughter Dance

Mr. and Mrs. Sowder

More from Pike's Peak

I realized I had neglected to upload the video Sarafia and I took while on the top of Pike's Peak, so I apologize for robbing you all of this comic moment in history. Enjoy.