Monday, August 9, 2010

A hidden-in-plain-sight treasure

I've known since first seeing Altamira Apartments (my humble abode) that Bear Creek Park lay just behind it. I'd explored the dog park and the creek itself a bit, but had never entered the actual park part until this week. I immediately fell in love with it! It's such a beautiful area and it is literally in my back yard! I leave the back side of my apartment building and walk down Lower Gold Camp road less than half a mile, and I come across this!
After walking down the driveway into the nature centre building, there is a map that shows all the trails that reside inside the park. The first leads through a small forested area and runs along lovely and bubbling Bear Creek. Then the trail splits and turns into Coyote Gulch loop (which I think is my favorite part!), and then into Mountain Scrub loop, then leads back to the trees and creek and takes you through a lovely trail called Birdsong which provides facts and pictures of all the birds and animals you are likely to come across on the trails, as well as their tracks. A wonderful touch!

This is why Coyote Gulch is my favorite part of the trail: The views are incredible!

The wildflowers were in beautiful bloom as I walked the trail for the first time. I like this picture! :)

On my way out of the trail, I ran into 3 deer! In this shot, if you look carefully, you'll see a doe and her tiny baby that still has its spots!

Another deer was very patient with me and let me get very close. I sat in the grass and watched her for a long time before it hit me to take a video.

Later that day the skies shook with a powerful thunderstorm. The thunder was so loud it made my kitchen table and everything on it vibrate. The video doesn't do it justice, but you can hear the loud cracks of thunder. Enjoy!

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